Why is UK press regulation back in the headlines? news post

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Five things we learn about the news industry

  1. Newspapers benefited from the government’s decision not to implement a rule that would require publishers to meet all the legal costs of a claimant in a libel case, even if the claimant was unsuccessful, if the publisher was not a member of an officially recognised regulator.
  2. all the major newspapers chose to adopt their own forms of regulation
  3. A separate amendment to the same legislation, tabled by the Labour MPs Tom Watson and Liam Byrne, would impose punitive legal costs on media organisations which refuse to be recognised by Impress, the officially sanctioned press regulator.
  4. MPs are preparing to vote on a cross-party proposal to establish another inquiry into the media’s actions. It would establish a new inquiry into “allegations of data protection breaches committed by or on behalf of national news publishers”.
  5. Leverson inquiry split into 2 parts - first part considered ethics and standards in the British media and heard evidence from figures across the industry. The second part of the Leveson inquiry, looking into the relationship between journalists and the police, was supposed to take place at the conclusion of court cases involving alleged phone hacking and inappropriate payments to public officials
Three questions this raises about news industry
  1. Will there ever be actual clarity in terms of data use?
  2. Do the regulations actually work?
  3. Does the constant issues with privacy worth using the internet? pros outweigh the cons?
Two reasons story is significant
  1. Shows that the news industry is constantly surveyed.
  2. Highlights issues with privacy and data usage.
Frameworks the story relates to
Industry- regulation
Contexts- social, historical, political, economical


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