News Post - The Killing

A digital link to the story.

Five things we learn about the news industry from this story (BuzzFeed style news)
  1. The series is very realistic- events happen at a pace that they would in real life
  2. Focus on family- not the "perfect family" seen in most US shows
  3. Good writing- dialogue full of personality, with jokes and awkwardness
  4. Political storyline- creates underlying mystery and tension
  5. English-speaking people don't mind the subtitles as long as the program is entertaining.
Three questions this raises about the news industry
  1. How will the realism effect the other shows?
  2. What other shows will come from the popularity of The Killing?
  3. Will we see the main themes of The Killing in future programmes?

Two reasons this story is significant
  1. It shows that TV is changing- people want more intricate storylines even if it means the series is 20 episodes long.
  2. It shows that people are branching out to media from other countries.

One headline which sums up what this means for the UK news industry.

The Killing- a TV Revolution in the Making?

Decide which of the six frameworks the story relates to

3.Media Language and Genre
4.Audiences and Institutions
6.Social and political context


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