News- Plurality, a free press and a press baron

Plurality, a free press and a press baron

Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox is bidding to take control of the 61% of Sky it does not already own.

Five things we learn about the news industry from this story (BuzzFeed style news)
  1. Murdoch's £11.7bn bid to take full control of Sky has been blocked
  2. 21st Century Fox already owns 39% Sky
  3. The Murdoch Family Trust also controls Fox and News Corp, the publisher of  The Sun and The Times
  4. Media plurality goes to the heart of the democratic process- it's important that no group/individual has too much control of news media or too much power to affect the political agenda.
  5. Was not in the public interest to buy the rest of Sky, and it would go against broadcasting standards
Three questions this raises about the news industry
  1. Where is the line between the right amount of power and too much?
  2. Who decides?

Two reasons this story is significant
  1. Shows that there is a limit to the power the large companies have
  2. It emphasizes the importance of democracy.

One headline which sums up what this means for the UK news industry.

Media plurality- the heart of democracy

Decide which of the six frameworks the story relates to

3.Media Language and Genre
4.Audiences and Institutions
6.Social and political context


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