Advertising and Marketing

Paper 1 Section B
Media language and representations

New terminology:
Long shot- shot that frames whole body from head to toe
Medium shot- shot that frames model rom waist up
Serif- font that includes ticks on edge of letter
Sans serif- font without ticks
Anchorage- 'pinning down of a meaning' that a caption provides when coupled with an image or vice versa
Copy- the text on an advert
Logo- line of copy that encapsulates the campaign strategy

  • depth of field
  • realism?
  • narrative?
  • target audience?
  • representations
Eternity Moment- Calvin Klein
  • medium shot
  • focus on woman's face- blurry background
  • target audience- women
  • black and white- old movie style
  • simple font and sans serif
  • lack of realism
  • Image result for eternity moment calvin klein advert
Gucci Guilty
  • dark and masculine - beard
  • male looks in control- looking directly at camera
  • no realism
  • mid shot and low angle- creates sense of power
  • black and gold colours creates sense of luxury
  • no large slogan- suggests the image speaks for itself
  • bottle blocking her face- shows it's targeted at men

Advertising Psychology
  • some needs that advertisers play on include:
    • to be superior
    • to be a trend setter/ stay up-to-date
    • to be part of a happy family
    • to be attractive
    • to be popular
    • to be wealthy
  • advertising is deisgned to suggest that a product will supplt something that the audience wants


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