Stranger Things - Nostalgia and Intertextuality

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Nostalgia/intertextuality- production/marketing 

Nostalgia marketing: 
Millennial Pull: 
  • Stranger Things revived a plethora of nostalgic memories, but with a fresh storytelling to make it interesting for a younger generation 

Power childhood and toys 

  • ST uses the children to defeat the Demogorgon-instead of the kids killing it despite the fact they're kids, they can do it because they're kids 
  • All the characters use toys to defeat it- e.g. walkie talkies, baseball bats 
  • The only way the Upside Down can be explained is through the use of the Dungeons and Dragons game 
  • Joyce goes insane since she doesn't have D&D to explain to the other adults 
  • Mr Clarke has links to toys (The walkie talkies/D&D) and so understands faster 
  • ST is unique since most movies make childhood seem like something that should be sped up/overcome but the series uses it as an advantage 

  • Intertextuality is used to make a connection with the audience 
  • ST almost copies films such as ET and The Goonies 
    • ET was the biggest film of the 80's 
    • Uses the characters of The Goonies to create nostalgia 
  • Uses the sci-fi from Alien and Firestarter 
    • The creatures in the Upside Down= Alien 
    • Eleven's powers= Firestarter 
Intertextuality in Distribution 
  • Parodies have been made of famous film posters such as Alien, Nightmare on Elm Street 
    • Creates nostalgia 

  • Fandom=constituency 
  • They often create theories (negotiated meanings) 
  • Take parts of ST and make their own products 
  • Are essential as part of marketing-fan art, social media etc. 


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