Summary of news article

  • Links between dystopian novels and 2017- Brave New World, misogyny of the Handmaid's Tale
  • Lack of trust in media- Grenfell Tower- how issues are only brought up after an event has happened
  • Maliciousness between newspapers- Sun blaming leftists for spreading fake news about death toll of Grenfell Tower even though Sun reporters had lied to get into hospital wards
  • Working out what is honest takes time-news organisations must wait to verify information such as death tolls
  • It is difficult to differentiate between fake news and real news due to different opinions
  • Newspapers such as the Sun have the power to swing an election, however recently social media has meant that print media has less power in the political system due to the mistrust, especially in the young.

Brave New World- dystopian novel where World Controllers have created the 'ideal' society, filled with brainwashing and genetic engineering
1984- dystopian novel focused on government surveillance and public manipulation
The Handmaid's Tale- dystopian novel showing a government that has been overthrown by a misogynistic Christian group
autocratic - one person in control
supranational- having power that extends beyond national boundaries/ government
plethora- an abundance or excess of something
soma- A drug used in Huxley's "Brave New World." The substance is supposed to have the effect of modern drugs, yet no side-effects
ebullient- enthusiastic
waning- to decrease gradually in strength


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